Sunday, 12 August 2012

The one with the intro

Guess nobody is really reading this.

No followers.

Ah well.For the first time in a long time i am writing for myself. And boy does it feel effin good.

I remember my last blog. It was a nice little place, but unfortunately it became  too damn popular for it's own good. Hell at one point even my dad found out about it and started reading it. Now how is a guy supposed to wrote in peace when the whole damn world expects him to wrote about specific things in a specific way ?Bah. Like i said it's better.

It feels pretty darn good to be writing again. I had forgotten how cathartic this whole thing was. I guess i have to be thankful for the shittiness of my life since it caused me to atleast write again.

Hope i don't turn this into a sob fest, mind numbing diary of sorts. If that happens i hope some readers come along to keep me in check.

Alright then.... er bye ?

What do you say here ? seriously ? i mean 'bye bye blogspot... miss me you machine until i next log in ?'

Meh. fuck this shit.


  1. sad sad state u r in right eh boy? and popular blog eh? Thnk God m being anonymous...hahahah!!...and 'wrote'?

  2. Not very popular popular but i had a decent amount of followers. And i even met most of them in real life and became good right ? but then they started expecting the same funny stuff all the time. One serious post and shit would break loose :\

    And yes i made a typo. SO SUE ME !


Really ? You have something worth saying ? Woah ok this i gotta see..